Friday, September 3, 2010

Shoes known as the life boat

Shoes known as the life boat,in addition to bed and sleep a few other cases,human life is spent in the two boat.In the period of growth and development of children,tender foot skin and muscle,there are a lot of bones not shaped cartilage,and are easily damaged and deformed,for which selection of shoes is very christian louboutin particular about the children.In general,the shoes in addition to beautiful,the most important function is to protect the should not too large should small,tight shoes,will produce the following adverse effects: extrusion bones,too long may progress to deformity; pressure vessels,affecting blood circulation; torn skin,cause infection,or lead to a communication go too tight,reducing air shoes,winter is not conducive to warm,susceptible to frostbite; summer sweat evaporate easily,prone to athlete's foot.children effective width of the front foot,so shoes should christian louboutin shoes not wear Jiantou Xie Yichuan shoes Shaopian larger,soft pad insoles,increase flexibility,so you can be big foot pad.soft shoes should not tend to be children shoes should pay attention to their material,not to price style and color as the shoes,though it looks luxurious standard choice is not easy deformation,but the hard texture,flexibility of small,easy to squeeze feet,affecting the bones,generally not buy.such as soft leather,of course,be considered more relaxed,but baby still does not wear shoes at all.breathability and moisture absorption of plastic are poor,often in winter hardening plastic shoe soles,easy to slip,it is best not to,sports shoes,sneakers relatively soft,also flexible,but still poor ventilation,should be short rainy days or exercise lightweight,soft,breathable,christian louboutin sale although easy to deformation,does not look good,some soles thinner,less flexible,but the overall speaking,wearing comfortable,ideal for children 2 years of age the opportunity to walk less,may wear thin,soft-soled shoes,not to be left and right; two children after the age of the arch began to develop and separate the soles should be clear about,in order to favorable arch form.

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